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AAPD Publishes First Public Progress Report on Automobile Accessibility Scorecard Results

by | Jul 27, 2020 | Press Release

For Immediate Release: June 27, 2020

Contact: Sam Drzymala, samuel@cleveredge.co, 314-608-9319


AAPD Publishes First Public Progress Report on

Automobile Accessibility Scorecard Results  

Report shows challenges and progress on industry movement toward accessible vehicle production

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, in honor of the 30th anniversary of passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) issued its first public progress report on its Automobile Accessibility Scorecard. The scorecard tracks progress by auto manufacturing companies toward the design and production of an accessible vehicle that can accommodate people with a wide range of disabilities, including power wheelchair users, along 29 criteria. Currently, no manufacturer offers a fully accessible vehicle that does not require expensive aftermarket modifications for wheelchair users. Although autonomous vehicles’ (AVs) potential to remove barriers is frequently touted, as automakers  pave the way with new concepts for these vehicles, it is crucial that people with disabilities are not left out and left behind.

This year’s inaugural progress report found that, although industry has not yet reached the point of significant design or production progress, multiple major auto manufacturing companies working on AVs are already tackling the challenges associated with accessible design and are expanding their disability outreach programs as they work on these problems.

“This year, members of the auto industry have navigated significant challenges to make tangible progress toward production of a universally-accessible passenger vehicle,” said Maria Town, President and CEO at AAPD. “We look forward to continuing our constructive dialogue with manufacturing companies on setting a concrete timetable for vehicle design and production in 2021 and beyond.”

Highlights from the report include:

  • Automakers are broadening the scope of their outreach with disability groups with some automakers engaging with local and national disability groups in discussions design standards and user testing.
  • Auto manufacturing companies are forming internal cross-departmental staff working groups on accessibility.
  • COVID-19 has impacted the speed of developments on accessibility research and development. However, accessibility remains a core commitment.
  • The next step for accessibility work is to identify and address common barriers to production across the industry, and to work with industry stakeholders to address them collaboratively.
  • Many of these common barriers are identified in this industry report.


Accessible transportation is a cornerstone of participation in today’s society, and present options do not meet the disability communities’ needs. No major manufacturer producing a vehicle for sale to the consumer is built with accessibility as a cornerstone of the user experience. Further, no major automaker produces a purpose-built light duty vehicle that can accommodate a wheelchair user. The average wheelchair user is forced to spend between $10,000 – $30,000 on substantial modifications to purchase a vehicle that is accessible. This price tag is often too high for the average person.

For others, such as those in the blind community, who are currently unable to attain a driver’s license the AV technology currently under development by auto manufacturing companies (OEMs) holds the promise to help millions of people gain access to new transportation options. And with billions of dollars being invested in developing this new technology, this moment presents the opportunity to ensure that new vehicle designs — autonomous or driven by humans — are accessible to all. Our goal is full production of light-duty passenger vehicles that are accessible to people with a wide range of disabilities.

As part of its role as convener of the We Will Ride campaign, AAPD developed the scorecard to track automotive industry (OEM) progress toward creating an accessible vehicle. The scorecard was first announced in 2019, on the 29th anniversary of the passage of the ADA.

Current research suggests that travel-limited people, older adults, and people with disabilities make up a significant market for transportation service. Specifically, we estimate that there are 18.5 million travel-limited individuals in the U.S., of which 5.7 million are wheelchair-using, and, of those, 1.4 million use a motorized wheelchair. In addition:

  • The range of the travel-limited population that has the means to use a ride sharing service is between 11.2 to 15.4 million.
  • The estimated range of the wheelchair-using population that has the means of purchasing private vehicles or using a ride sharing service is between 3.6 and 5.0 million.
  • The range of the motorized wheelchair-using population that has the means of purchasing private vehicles or using a rideshare service is between 0.9 and 1.3 million.
  • The wheelchair-using and the travel-limited populations are six times more likely to live in zero vehicle households and the motorized wheelchair-using population is eight times more likely; and,
  • The market is projected to grow: The disability population is growing much faster than the population as a whole: 10.75% as opposed to a 0.74% growth rate for the US population. The Census Bureau projects that by 2030 there will be 21.5 million more wheelchair users — and that’s just among people 55 and older.


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AAPD is a convener, connecter, and catalyst for change, increasing the political and economic power of people with disabilities. As one of the leading national cross-disability civil rights organizations, AAPD advocates for the full recognition of rights for the over 60 million Americans with disabilities. AAPD’s programs and initiatives have been effective in mobilizing the disability community through communications advocacy; cultivating and training new and emerging leaders with disabilities through leadership development programs; increasing the political participation of Americans with disabilities and elevating the power of the disability vote through the REV UP (Register! Educate! Vote! Use your Power!) Campaign; and advancing disability inclusion in the workplace through the Disability Equality Index (DEI) — the nation’s leading corporate benchmarking tool for disability equality and inclusion. To learn more about AAPD, visit www.aapd.com.